Why is Masculinity Needed in Society?

Silhouette of Young Man Holding the World Up by His Left Hand - "The World Needs Men".

Men’s Role in Society Tends to Keep the World Operating

Why is masculinity needed in our society? What is it about male behavior and harnessed drive that decides whether societies succeed or collapse? Why are fathers crucial to producing moral, productive, and resilient children (as countless studies have shown)?

Nefarious organizations and groups are trying to vilify and destroy masculinity in our country and portraying men as stereotypical buffoons or monsters. Before relegating men to the trash bin of history, let us take a moment to clarify and underscore why masculinity in men is something to be treasured and revered—or our society will continue to regress with “progress”.


Why is masculinity needed in families?

Providers and protectors, as well as pillars of stability and fortitude, men have always been the foundation of a healthy family. Although fathers tend to get little credit for their role, the success of the more celebrated stars of parenthood, mothers, most certainly hinges upon the firmament men provide. Women in society have become much like actresses on a stage playing to the audience and getting all the applause, yet the stage and the environment that makes her role possible receive no appreciation at all. Men’s hard work and sacrifice allow healthy children with values to be raised safely while motherhood provides nurturing and care.

Men set the standard for moral behavior in boys and promote leadership, innovation, and risk tolerance, resulting in adventurers and soldiers that no successful society can do without.

The father sets the standards for girls in how they live and expect to be treated for the rest of their lives. Fatherless women tend to have promiscuity, poor self-image, and little self-worth. Without a father, boys and girls veer into self-destructive behaviors, lacking the foundation that normal psychosocial development demands.

Statistics for characteristics of boys and girls from Fatherless Homes (Department of Justice, ojp.gov):

·       90% of all homeless and runaway youths.

·       75% of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers.

·       75% of rapists.

·       71% of High School Dropouts.

·       85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders.

·       63% of youth suicides.

Without fathers leading families, children grow up without a moral compass. They lack a strong foundation, self-confidence, discipline, as well as self-control. Children without the guiding force of fathers are 3 times more likely to be incarcerated [archive.org].

Now, with fewer people getting married and instead choosing to be single-- are women happier? Despite objective measures compared to the 1970’s of far more opportunities for women and with the behaviorally adjusted gender wage gap eliminated you would think so. But, per Wharton’s School of Business, women are polled as markedly unhappier in their lives than ever [Wharton study] .

With more women single than ever before, not only are women substantially less happy, but they experience almost twice the levels of anxiety, stress, and depression as men [ADAA].  Women who bought into the feminist notion they could do everything all on their own are critically stressed and failing. Their respective children have become a huge drain on society and its citizens.

Society needs masculinity.     

Society’s fundamental needs have rested on the pillars of masculine behavior throughout history. Men are required to fulfill crucial roles in society in the form of the builders, makers, and protectors who create and maintain society. Roles that women generally can’t or won’t do in significant numbers to keep the world running.

Without the steely men who guard our borders,

Without the rugged men who construct our buildings,

Without the dusty men who mine for elements,

Or the enduring men who dredge our sewers -- we will see the decline of masculinity in society, and it will fall.

Some would say that women could fill that gap, but despite women having the opportunity to fill any job role they wish now, women very seldom choose physically arduous or dangerous jobs. Despite financial incentives, women in the military are about 14% [ CNN] of the total, and units of all men outperform units of mixed gender with about 70% of tasks [Time]. In construction, women make up 10% of the labor force [(ohsonline.com)]. Women still tend to choose less risky jobs, with men 10 times more likely to suffer fatality at work [forbes.com]. Women are generally just not willing to work in physically demanding or dangerous jobs and unfortunately, society cannot survive without men to fill these vital roles.

Society needs to change to support men.

Recently society has seen the rise of many powerful radical groups that castigate masculinity and traditional family values in every branch of media and entertainment. But for what reason? Whose agenda benefits from the decline of masculinity in society?

Perhaps to corrupt females and make a more malleable male that is easier to control and influence? To create a crisis of values and identity to destroy the traditional family that is the bedrock of our world? We now have a prevailing trend to ignore any sexual differences between men and women in progressive culture. Could these harmful trends be in preparation for a radical restructuring of society? After all, a societal crisis is historically the best time to enact revolutionary change.

“Never let a crisis go to waste.” – Rahm Emanuel.

What kind of society? – I wish I knew, but I strongly suspect one akin to communist Russia where individual freedom and citizen values are disregarded for the good of the state. Where most possessions and freedoms must be sacrificed for the good of planet Earth.

This cabal of forces first converted television programming to push narratives to frame masculinity in a negative light on every single channel with unrealistic and stereotypical portrayals of men. In the last decade, social media has enabled disinformation and anti-male sentiment to be distributed freely and without protest. That monopoly had been uncontested since its inception until Elon Musk purchased Twitter, with a resulting media uproar. In the last couple of decades, feminists have inserted a twisted lexicon of words like toxic masculinity, mansplaining, and Patriarchy into the Zeitgeist.

I submit there is no such thing as toxic masculinity in society, but rather our culture has become toxic to masculinity.

And the consequences?

We see a flood of single-parent homes without fathers, providing poor or no positive role models for boys, creating angry men with no self-control or values in an inevitable trajectory toward prison. The number of single lonely males and females has skyrocketed, while rates of marriage and healthy well-adjusted children have fallen.

We have men crushed under high responsibility and ridiculous expectations without any appreciation of their struggle. With a constant message of “Be quiet and suck it up” battering men, and without any outlet to voice their frustrations, men have become emotional powder kegs.

Is it a wonder that men today are experiencing record depression? The statistics are dire in that over 30% of men report depression in their lives [ apa.org] and total suicides consist of 80% of men [usatoday.com]. Our country now has a record number of tragically lost souls that despise their very own bodies, the sexually misidentified and gender dysphoric. This is the state of the world that attacks and devalues masculinity.

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings to be fruitful.”—C. S. Lewis


If societies can’t do better in cultivating masculinity, then society’s moral fiber and stability in the form of the nuclear family will continue to decline towards collapse. If societies do not foster men’s ability to develop, implement, and manufacture new products and technologies, then it will become little more than a service economy, the labor of which can be outsourced to cheaper locales or AI bots. This is what we see today in many parts of the world in which masculinity is in a state of genuine crisis – where a divided culture is devouring the pillars of manhood. If men can join under a united cause of restoring an appreciation of masculinity and traditional family values, we believe these trends can be reversed and society be saved.


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