Green flags in women [Is She Right for Marriage?]

Angel wings on green sign on side of building.

How do you know she’s an angel? Would you recognize the signs she’s a keeper for marriage?

BEFORE READING: This article is intended specifically for men that are marriage-minded. Those men that envision and desire a wife, children, and marriage in the future. There is on-going debate in the Man-o-sphere about the institutions of marriage’s suitability for any man given the current legal, social, and cultural issues. We recognize that, and will certainly be writing future articles on this situation, but that hotly debated subject is not broached here.

Have you ever seen a cute old married couple holding hands and still deep in love and thinking, “I want that! But how did he know she was the right one?”

We’ve discussed red flags in first dates and [relationship red flags], but what are the green flags? What signs point men towards women with marriage potential? How do you that you have found your soul mate, a woman worthy of spending your life with? Or will she approach you after 5 years of marriage and coldly state, “I want a divorce!”?

Sometimes it’s difficult to discern the angels from the succubae with faux, glitter wings. You often don’t see the whole measure of a woman until AFTER marriage, when she reveals her true self. She shows you her best side until she has you secured. How does a man pierce the subterfuge to answer the question, “Is she the One for me, or not?”

Here is a comprehensive list of ‘wife signs’ in women. These indicate a woman has the right morality, character, and skill set to make a good wife. If a woman demonstrates these qualities, a man can feel relatively certain their marriage will have a good chance of success.

Signs she is right for marriage

  1. Works hard: She is willing to perform regular physical labor with minimal complaints (one complaint or less per day).

  2. Goes without: She is capable of deferring gratification. She drives older cars, not because she must, but because it’s the smart thing to do. She doesn’t buy expensive clothing and tends to bargain shop and visit thrift stores. This indicator is a “Gold Star” as it demonstrates financial savvy and the discipline to execute accordingly.

  3. Relates with men: She appears to have a good relationship with any father figures and brothers. She does activities with them regularly especially sports, hunting, shooting, and fishing. This trait signifies she has a positive and realistic view of men in general.

  4. Avoids debt: She carries no debts and makes no debts except for a reasonably priced car or house.

  5. Builds or Creates: She enjoys hobbies that involve building or creating things.

  6. Believes in growth: She takes classes to learn how to do useful things or build up useful skills.

  7. Never cohabitates: She has never cohabited with men in the past. Note: Cohabitations in the past are correlated with higher rates of divorce.

  8. Wants kids: She wants kids in her future and she is willing to sacrifice to make that happen.

  9. Takes accountability: She will admit guilt or wrongdoing in past relationships.

  10. Prefers lasting relationships: Her body count is less than 6 sexual partners (18-29 age). If age 30 plus <9 partners.

    Statistics show higher number of sexual partners related to much lower stability and higher divorce rates in marriage [divorce statistics].

  11. Minimizes social media: She spends less than 30 minutes a day on social media.

  12. Has parental role models: Her parents are still together and happy.

  13. Reciprocates: She attempts to pay something on dates.

  14. Doesn’t play games: She doesn’t do truth tests or the latest Internet Boyfriend Challenge. If she wants answers she asks directly.

  15. Passion for life: She has passions other than pop culture. She doesn’t have to be entertained and can amuse herself.

  16. Thinks for herself: She doesn’t ascribe to any ideological cults dogmatically and considers all views unemotionally without becoming triggered.

  17. Knows what’s going on: She is modestly knowledgeable in current events.

female women sleeping with angel wings on.

Know the signs when you have found an angel.

18. Avoids marring her body: She has no tattoos or piercings (ear lobes are fine).

19. Interested in you as a person, not a resource: She asks questions about your beliefs, hobbies, and family history, not just what you make or do for a living. She sees you as a person, not a bank.

20. Responsible: She has had the same job for 2 years or more.

21. Appreciates men: She doesn’t believe in feminism, and nothing in her car or home suggests otherwise. Identifying as a feminist usually signifies a poor perception of men, which carries over into relationships negatively.

22. Avoids owing anyone: She doesn’t take gifts and pays back borrowed money promptly.

23. Attracted to deeper topics: She doesn’t have knowledge of pop culture, reality shows, or celebrity’s lives.

24. She’s genuine: She prefers the natural look and doesn’t like to wear makeup (or wears minimal makeup).

25. She’s a giver, not a taker: She spends time doing things for other people that aren’t for attention like private charities.

26. Attracts by affinity of values, not genitals: She dresses demurely or simply and doesn’t show a lot of skin. She wants men to be attracted to her personality and values, not just lust.

27. She looks deeply into people and things: She scrutinizes things and people of interest intently. She has a long attention span and is not easily distracted by insignificant things. Note: women of above-average IQ are 50% less likely to be divorced in the future [[divorce statistics].

28. Isn’t an elitist: She treats people of all classes and backgrounds with civility and respect.

29. She flies with eagles, not turkeys: Her friends appear to be of high class and moral value.

30. Offers friendship and more: You could see her as a good friend, maybe even your best friend.

31. Follows a code of conduct: She believes in some sort of higher power and lives her life accordingly.

32. She calms not dramatizes: She is the calm little center that peace crowds around in a room.

33. Remembers the little things about you: She remembers details about you and your past life demonstrating real interest in you as a person and potential partner.

34. She supports your mission: She understands your purpose and your goals and supports them almost like they have become her own.

35. She can deal with conflict: She can speak openly and calmly in disagreements and tries to resolve conflicts, not bury or harbor resentments.

36. She desires you openly: She is not afraid to show physical desire and has a healthy interest in and relationship with sex.

37. Accepts you fully: She accepts everything about you and doesn’t try to change you.


In conclusion, she is marriage-worthy:

These heavenly signs will cue you into women who are worthy of marriage consideration for the future. These women are likely the rare ones who will commit and sacrifice in marriage to never let go. She is worthy of the next step, which is to vet her and her history thoroughly.

If she passes the vetting process, has predominantly green flags, and no red flags then wife her up! Don’t let her get away.  GO be your best self and when the time is right, put a ring on her finger and build a life together. Just remember, to make it work, you have to do your part in the marriage too!

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First Date Red Flags in Women [Warning Signs for Men to Steer Clear]


Relationship Red Flags in Women [Advice for Men]